Friday, September 27, 2019

The internet (POST 3)


I use the Internet because it is a tool that allows me to be connected all the time, either for university or work matters, or for more private matters such as family and friends. In addition to being a tool that allows me to remain in society. I also use it to buy things or plan trips.
Most of the university's work and my job at emdio in a store is based on the internet, without the internet apparently nothing works in this world today.

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What takes me Areflexion, that when she didn't have the internet I miss her a lot, I also cease to be her slave because social life has already diminished. When we had no holiday internet because the signal did not arrive, this allowed us to be happy, I think that before the slaves had chains, the workers were aligned with the production life and now our contemporary chain is internet, because finally everything depends on Internet. And you who believe, does the Internet depend on your life? Or do you depend on the Internet? Could you live without internet for a day

Thursday, September 26, 2019

THE BEST HOLIDAYS I'VE HAD (POST 2): Little house beach in Costa Azul


The most beautiful trip I made was to the beach, although since childhood I frequently go to the spa in the central area of ​​Chile called Costa Azul. That December of the year 2017, was something special. Since I had never traveled alone and had never lived with myself in a cabin where there are no more people than myself.

In that place he asks me to reconnect with myself and live in spirituality, where the sea could feel the silence increased in the sensitivity of my being and reflect where sometimes eating was not the most important thing but to be connected with the spiritual and live unique experiences in the spirit.

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Where I found the harmony and peace I needed many years ago. Where I also realized that I am not alone, but that God is with me at all times. Before, I was a person who depended a lot on others, but knowing and recognizing that there is a God and that he is with me that made me stronger and continue traveling alone and living with myself. Finally, it was a place I always frequent, but it became my paradise at that time

Country of my wishes to visit Bolivia (POST 1)

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There are many countries that I would like to visit, but one I'd like to visit is Bolivia  is located in south america. This country has a rather unique culture. Because Bolivia´s culture has been heavily influenced by the Aymara, the Quechua, as well as the popular cultures of Latin America as a whole.
The cultural development is divided into three distinct periods: precolumbian, colonial, and republican. Important archaeological ruins, gold and silver ornaments, stone monuments, ceramics, and weavings remain from several important pre-Columbian cultures. Major ruins include Tiwanaku, El Fuerte de Samaipata, Inkallaqta and Iskanawaya. 

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The country abounds in other sites that are difficult to reach and have seen little archaeological exploration. The Diablada, dance primeval, typical and main of Carnival of Oruro a Masterpiece of the Oral and Intangible Heritage of Humanity since 2001 in Bolivia. The Spanish brought their own tradition of religious art which, in the hands of local native and mestizo builders and artisans.

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Darwin's frogs (POST 4)

Is animals a genus of small frogs found on the southwest coast of South America. It has just two species, of which the Chile Darwin's frog is highly endangered or may already be extinct. The better-known Darwin's frog is endangered.
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Darwin's frogs

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Both species are notable for their unusual breeding, with the tadpoles being raised inside the mouths of the males. The eggs are laid on the ground. The male frog transports the tadpoles into his enlarged vocal sac. In the Chile Darwin's frog, the tadpoles are transported to a water source and released for the duration of their development. In Darwin's frog, they reside in the vocal sac until metamorphosis. They may carry between five and 15 offspring. Darwin's frogs are separated into a separate family based purely upon this behavioural adaptation, which is unique among frogs.

My  opinion, I really like frogs and I think they are very entertaining animals, when I was littleI played with them in the lake and I think it is very particular that only in Chile these frogs exist of this particular species. I also believe that they must be preserved in nature and not exploited. What is your favorite animal of Chilean fauna? Why?

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