Wednesday, May 22, 2019

My love Iphone

My favorite technological device is my cell phone, I use it every day because it is a very useful tool in my daily life as a student. With a good Internet connection.

Resultado de imagen para amor Iphone

 I can use WHATS APP and chat with friends from Spain, I can listen to music on Spotify and I can see or read the news from around the world through the browser and the multiple applications that my I phone has.

Resultado de imagen para whatsapp amigos

 One thing I like about my mobile phone is that I can use GPS. With this I never get lost in the city of Santiago or other new cities that this known gives me autonomy

Resultado de imagen para google maps españa

1 comment:

  1. Cool, i slaso love my smartphone, but it is android. I also ocuppy a lot the map, without the map I get lost in Santiago
